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We provide a full line of fountains and aeration systems, as well as diffused lake bed aeration systems which can be powered by electric, solar, and windmills.


We custom design systems for each pond and lake, providing the right mix of artificial respiration and atmospheric absorption. We also provide electric and solar floating display fountains in a variety of sizes and patterns.


We also offer sales, installation, and repair of most fountains and aeration systems. 


We can process important information about your water body that allows us to provide precise efficiency. We will determine how often the water body total volume should be “turned over” each day.


Fish need oxygen just like humans do, even if they breathe a little differently. Fish absorb oxygen from the water as it passes over their gills, whereas humans and most other animals use their lungs to absorb oxygen from the air. For optimum health, warm water fish, generally require dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations of at least 5 parts per million, also expressed as 5 milligrams per liter or 5 mg/L.


Just like humans, fish can endure brief periods of reduced oxygen. However, if (DO) levels drop below 2 ppm/mg/L, they aren’t always able to recover. 2 When concentrations fall below 1 ppm/mg/L fish begin to die.


The periodic depletion of dissolved oxygen in a lake or water-body is by far the most common cause of fish kills. These events are easy to recognize because they usually affect many different sizes and species of fish, whereas cold temperature or spawning related fish kills tend to affect only one or two species. If it is a DO-related fish kill, large fish tend to be affected first and more severely than other fish. Another clue: small fish can be seen gulping or gasping for air at the surface just before a fish kill occurs.

When it comes to understanding the dynamics of oxygen and water, the most important thing to remember is that the amount of dissolved oxygen found in an aquatic eco system changes constantly, day and night. It is affected by weather, temperature, the amount of sunlight available, and the amount of plants and animals living in the water. Each of these factors can influence the amount of oxygen released 

or removed from the water at any given time.



  • A Thermocline is the boundary between warmer less dense surface water and deeper, cooler, more dense water. these areas, usually only mix naturally twice a year.

  • Atmospheric Absorption is the natural introduction of oxygen from the atmosphere into the water column. it occurs through agitation on the surface. the integrity of the surface tension is lessened and the oxygen mixes at that point.

  • Anaerobic Digestion is the slow breakdown of organic matter at the lakes bottom, and is void of oxygen. it s result is harmful end products including methane, carbon dioxide, & hydrogen sulfide.

  • Aerobic Digestion of organic matter impedes the release of nutrients that would promote regrowth of undesirable organisms like algae. there is an abundance of usable oxygen. 5 times faster than anaerobic digestion.

  • Thermal Stratification refers to change in temperature, and oxygen at different depths in a lake. it is due to the waters change in density with temperature.

  • The Epilimnion is the upper layer of water above the thermocline, made up of warmer less dense water 

  • The Hypolimnion is the bottom layer of cooler more dense water.

  • Photosynthesis is the process in which algae and aquatic plants use carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to make their own food. Oxygen is a by-product of this activity. Therefore, as long as photosynthesis is taking place, oxygen is continuously being released into the water.



Some problems that are related to a lake being stratified include:


  • Fish kills

  • Unpleasant odors

  • Bad or reduced water clarity

  • Possibly increased algae growth

  • Low oxygen levels

  • Lack of thermal mixing






  • Allows beneficial bacteria to flourish.

  • Increases the breakdown of fish waste and decaying plants.

  • Constant lake turnover and oxygen/temperature mixing.

  • Healthier fish population, larger and in greater numbers.

  • “Artificial respiration” for a lake, breathes oxygen into water column.

  • Changes pond bottom chemistry and water to precipitate iron (causes red stains on sidewalks and driveways.”

  • Bonds nitrates and phosphates to the bottom sediments like a magnet, (this bonding of nutrients starves algae by removing its food source.

  • Removes stratification layers, and improves clarity.

  • Eliminates odors.

  • Prevents fish kills by eliminating oxygen swings and continuously turns over the entire volume of the water body thereby eliminating the anoxic (lacking oxygen) conditions found on the bottom of the waterway.  

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